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Virginia Business Address

On the surface, the address you list as your official Virginia business address seems like a simple, inconsequential piece of information you specify on your business formation documents and move on.

In reality, you do not want to hotfoot it through this basic information. The address you place here will end up available to the public, including any prying eyes that want to send you endless junk mail or try to scam you.

That’s why we do more for our clients than just fulfill a Virginia legal requirement—we list our Virginia business address on public filings so that you don’t have to list your personal address. And we offer so much more, too.

Mail Forwarding Solutions

As your Virginia registered agent, we already include free use of our business address on your public filings in addition to 3 free business mail scans (for the occasional non-registered agent mail). For more robust Virginia mail forwarding solutions and even a Virginia Virtual Office to round off your Virginia business presence, we have plenty of options:

Base Mail Forwarding
$49 / yr

  • Same-Day Mail Scans
  • 10 more business mail scans per year
  • Virginia Business Address
  • Unique Suite Number
  • 90 Days FREE Local Phone Service

Premium Mail Forwarding
$99 / yr

  • Same-Day Mail Scans
  • 25 more business mail scans per year
  • Virginia Business Address
  • Unique Suite Number
  • 90 Days FREE Local Phone Service

Virginia Virtual Office
$19 / mon

  • Same-Day Mail Scans
  • Unlimited mail scans
  • Virginia Business Address
  • Unique Suite Number
  • Local Phone Service INCLUDED
  • Month-to-Month Virginia Office Lease
  • Option to Rent Conference Room

Our Virginia mail forwarding packages include a unique suite number in our building, giving you a professional business address that you can list on your business cards or website. And with our Virginia Virtual Office you get unlimited mail forwarding, an official office lease, and the option to rent meeting spaces. Just add the option that best meets your business needs when you hire us for service!

What is a Virginia Business Address?

A Virginia business address is a physical address that you can use anywhere on your business formation documents that require an address to be listed, so that you don’t need to provide any of your personal addresses.

No matter the size, entity, or industry of your Virginia business, our firm recommendation for you is this: use a Virginia business address for your company. When you sign up for our registered agent or business formation services, we provide you free use of our real, physical business address at no extra cost to use on your formation paperwork instead of using any of your personal addresses.

How to Get a Virginia Business Address

There are two ways you can get our free Virginia business address:

We will list our business address instead of yours when we file your business formation documents with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC). If you want to take care of the business formation yourself and just hire us as your registered agent, you can still use our Virginia business address when you fill out your business formation documents.

Are Business Addresses Required in Virginia?

For Virginia LLCs, the answer is yes. The Virginia Articles of Organization require you to list a physical principal office address.

For Virginia corporations, the answer is no, but with an important caveat: the company’s initial directors must list their addresses on the Virginia Articles of Incorporation. Our Virginia business address can be used on any part of these formation documents where an address is required.

Note: It’s a common misconception that you legally must keep copies of your company formation documents at this principal address. You also have the option to make these documents available online in lieu of keeping physical copies at the principal address.

Benefits of a Virginia Business Address

Having a real, physical Virginia business address for your company is an all-around beneficial idea, for both your working and personal life outside of work.

Here’s a few examples below to explain what we mean:

1. Provides privacy from the general public
Arguably the biggest perk of using our Virginia business address instead of your own personal addresses is the privacy you gain. More specifically, privacy from the entire general public, since the Virginia SCC website lists the business address of all Virginia businesses. You’ll avoid junk mailers, marketers, and potential scammers, saving you an enormous amount of time and sanity for the far-reaching future.

2. Offers credibility
At the beginning of your business journey, our professional business address will provide for a great first impression on clients, lenders, and other business associates. Throughout the life of your business, our business address will maintain that credibility and permanence.

3. Helps maintain limited liability protection
Keeping your personal life and business life separate is key to maintaining your limited liability protection. Having your principal business address separate from your home address will help demonstrate that separation.

4. Easier when you need to move
Instead of updating your business address with several different departments, agencies, and divisions, you can use our business address indefinitely. If you ask anyone who has had to go through the trouble of updating their business address through all the necessary channels in Virginia, they’ll tell you what a time-intensive task it is.

5. It’s lease and HOA-friendly
There’s a chance you won’t be able to use your personal address as your business address due to leasing or Homeowners Association rules.

6. It’s also city & municipality-friendly
On top of potentially violating a lease or an HOA rule, you may be in violation of city or municipality rules or guidelines. Better to just play it safe and use our free Virginia business address included with any of our services.

Taking advantage of our free Virginia business address is easy. It’s a perk that our local competitors just can’t offer. They may have a virtual business address, but only we have a real, physical business address ready for you to use once you sign up for our services.

Sign up with us today! We’re a small, local company that specializes in business formation and registered agent service, and we’ve been doing it a long time. We know the ins and outs of this industry, and we’re happy to help our clients, no matter where they are in their business journey.